This tutorial demonstrates how to create interactive choropleth like the one below using the leaflet library, there are no alternative libraries currently considered in this guide.
It is important to note that such maps are generated from two datasets: points on the map and region shape files, the colours are then assigned according to the number of points in each region.
(see below for further details)example <- structure(list(longitude = c(-104.990251, -104.990251, 13.960129,
13.960129, 13.960129), latitude = c(39.739236, 39.739236, 50.97178,
50.97178, 50.97178)), .Names = c("longitude", "latitude"), row.names = c(NA,
5L), class = "data.frame")
## kable is loaded from the knitr library to convert the data.frame into a Markdown table for display purposes
longitude | latitude |
-104.99025 | 39.73924 |
-104.99025 | 39.73924 |
13.96013 | 50.97178 |
13.96013 | 50.97178 |
13.96013 | 50.97178 |
Shapefiles will be imported with the readOGR
function and the stored as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- this workflow requires what we might term ESRI or DBF formatted shapefiles. An informative wikipedia page on this format is available here, the first check for whether your shapefiles are correctly formatted is whether you have a directory containing the following files:
In this example the US state boundaries as provided by are used. This is primarily because the US government provides an excellent repository for correctly formatted shapefiles and the US states are large regions that are easy to compare, unlike the UK administrative borders.
The shapefiles are imported using readOGR
from the rgdal
library; specifying the directory containing the shape files to dsn
and the shapefile_name
to layer
(note the use of verbose = F
to prevent uninteresting messages from the function). Details of the leaflet
library are covered later, but for demonstrative purposes it is useful to see the US state boundaries are clearly visible:
full_us_shapefiles <- readOGR(dsn = "data/shapefiles", layer = "cb_2015_us_state_500k", verbose = F)
leaflet(data = full_us_shapefiles) %>% addTiles() %>%
weight = 1
Unfortunately, the shapefiles include all US terrorities. Often it is only the contiguous United States that are displayed in visualisations, and this does make a very useful example for this guide. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to extract this set of states through the use of the US FIPS Codes which are documented here and this data is stored in the full_us_shapefiles
object but need to be converted to numeric format for use later:
full_us_shapefiles$STATEFP <- as.numeric(as.character(full_us_shapefiles$STATEFP))
## [1] 31 53 35 46 21 13 5 42 28 8 49 47 56 18 2 32 17 50 30 19 45 4 60
## [24] 39 1 55 41 29 37 40 51 54 22 26 25 16 72 12 20 33 10 48 27 78 9 34
## [47] 38 24 23 15 66 69 44 6 36 11
The function make_us_contiguous
uses the US-FIPS-Codes.csv
file hosted on Figshare to extract only those polgyons in full_us_shapefiles
that are in the contiguous USA:
fips_codes <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = F)
make_us_contiguous <- function(spatial_polgyon= NA){
contiguous_fips_codes <- fips_codes[fips_codes$Contiguous.United.States. == "Y",]$STATE
contiguous <- full_us_shapefiles[spatial_polgyon$STATEFP %in% contiguous_fips_codes,]
# Drop unnecessary levels
contiguous@data <- droplevels(contiguous@data)
contiguous_us_shapefiles <- make_us_contiguous(full_us_shapefiles)
The fips_codes
object also contains the names of the states, which may be added to the contiguous_us_shapefiles
object and can be visualised with leaflet
once more. Note that the function mapvalues
from the plyr
library is used as it is massively convenient for modifying a vector according to a set of key-value pairs.
contiguous_fips_codes <- fips_codes[fips_codes$Contiguous.United.States. == "Y",]
contiguous_us_shapefiles$State_Name <- mapvalues(contiguous_us_shapefiles$STATEFP,
from = contiguous_fips_codes$STATE,
to = contiguous_fips_codes$STATE_NAME)
leaflet(data = contiguous_us_shapefiles) %>% addTiles() %>%
weight = 1
In order to count the number of points within each state it is necessary to create a SpatialPointsDataFrame
, in the code below the lat-long-points.csv
file is first imported and then converted into such an object. It is necessary to specify the projection for the SpatialPointsDataFrame
, which is simply extracted from the contiguous_us_shapefiles
locations_df <- read.csv("data/lat-long-points.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
locations_spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = locations_df,
data = locations_df,
proj4string = contiguous_us_shapefiles@proj4string)
The GISTools
library includes poly.counts
which provides a simple way to count the number of points within each region and this data can easily be added to contiguous_us_shapefiles
in the same manner as the State names:
contiguous_counts <- poly.counts(pts = locations_spdf, polys = contiguous_us_shapefiles)
contiguous_us_shapefiles$Count.of.locations <- as.numeric(contiguous_counts)
Leaflet maps are created in layers and very much favour the pipe “%
” operator, the most basic map of the world can be constructed in one of two ways:
base_map <- leaflet()
## or
leaflet() %>% addTiles()
The shapefiles are added to the map using addPolygons
, in the code below a number of optional arguments have been supplied to customise the appearance of the borders.
leaflet(data = contiguous_us_shapefiles) %>%
addTiles() %>%
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#000000",
smoothFactor = 0.2,
weight = 1
Before creating a colour palette for the map, thereby makign it a choropleth, it is useful to note how popups can be added to the map. In the map below the State_Name
will be shown when a state is clicked, the tilda (~
) allows the namespace of the contiguous_us_shapefiles
object to be accessed.
leaflet(data = contiguous_us_shapefiles) %>%
addTiles() %>%
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#000000",
smoothFactor = 0.2,
weight = 1,
popup = ~State_Name
The RColorBrewer library provides a number of versatile and accessible color palettes, see for a breakdown of these, we can use in the choropleth via brewer.pal
. In the code below a six colour palette is defined over the range 0 - 350 with colorBin
, note the use of alpha
to ensure that coloured regions are opaque to the map details behind them.
palette <- colorBin(c("#cccccc",brewer.pal(5, "YlGnBu")),
bins = c(0,1,5,10,20,50,350),
alpha = TRUE
This fill colour of the polygons can now be specified with palette(Count.of.locations)
leaflet(data = contiguous_us_shapefiles) %>%
addTiles() %>%
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#000000",
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = 0.6,
fillColor = ~palette(Count.of.locations),
weight = 1,
popup = ~State_Name
The popup displayed at the moment in the map contains only the state name, the following utility function allows the state name and the number of data points in the location to be displayed:
region_labeller <- function(state_name = NA, number_of_points = NA){
"<p>State: ", state_name, "</p>",
"<p>Number of Points: ", number_of_points, "</p>"
choropleth_map <- leaflet(data = contiguous_us_shapefiles) %>%
addTiles() %>%
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#000000",
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = 0.6,
fillColor = ~palette(Count.of.locations),
weight = 1,
popup = ~region_labeller(State_Name,Count.of.locations)
The leaflet
library provides a very flexible legend, which can be provided with our custom colour scheme as follows:
choropleth_map %>% addLegend(
position = 'bottomleft',
colors = c("#cccccc",brewer.pal(5, "YlGnBu")),
labels = c("0","1-5","5-10","10-20","20-50","50-350"),
opacity = 0.6,
title = "Number of Points in State") ## title of the legend